

Abba Father Worldwide Family Prayer Chapel:

Send Us Your Prayer Requests by Email, Text Messages and SMS.

Email Us at: Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com 

 You Can Text Message or Phone Us at: 970-800-7800


Abba Father God

Worldwide Family

Prayer Requests Chapel,

                            We are Online for You by                                             Email, Telephone, Text Message & SMS on                               Your Cell, PC & All Online Devices for                            God's People of All Ages, All Beliefs & Cultures,           Life Styles & Countries on God's Good Earth!

                            Hello Folks: Please have Faith! God Hears You!                                  We are a Self-Supporting, Working Ministry & Do Not Accept Donations.                             We Do Most Seriously for Your First Requests,                                                  But Our Security System Blocks Multiple Requests.                                                           We Need Time to Pray for Everyone!                                      Thanks so Very Much, In Christ, Chaplain Ralph.

                Send Your Personal & Family                                        Prayer Requests to Rev. Dr. Ralph & Staff!                                                                                                                                     Email Us at:                                      Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com 

                 Text Message or Phone Us at:                  970-800-7800

           NOTE: God Hears You! Please Limit Your Requests to            Your First One, as Our System Deletes Multiples, So We Can Help Everyone! At Your Service & In God's Service, chaplain ralph...  

praying angel with moving wings

PLEASE KNOW: We Hear or Read All of Your Prayer Requests and We Will Pray & Intervene, Very Seriously and Reverently, to Our Father God for You & Those Who You Care for & All Your Concerns, Needs, Sufferings & Heart’s Desires, and All in the Holy Name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. rev. dr. ralph                    Hello Folks: Please have Faith! God Hears You!  We are a Self-Supporting,                           Working Ministry & Do Not Accept Donations. Yes, We Do Most Seriously for You,                                                But Our Security System Blocks Multiple Requests.                                   We Need Time to Pray for Everyone! Thanks so Very Much, In Christ, Chaplain Ralph.

Our Method is Simple and Powerful:


This is a Free Ministry, We Do Not Accept Donations and We Offer,

Our 24-7 Online Christian Church Worship Mass Services,

God's Word, The Holy Bible in 100's of Languages & 

Your Prayer Requests are All Absolutely Free to Everyone!


We are Supported by:

Thanks so Very Much & God Touch You, Rev. Dr. Ralph G. Taylore.

                Send Your Personal & Family                                        Prayer Requests to Rev. Dr. Ralph & Staff!                                                                                                                                     Email Us at:                                      Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com 

                 Text Message or Phone Us at:                  970-800-7800

        Hello Folks: Please have Faith! God Hears You! We are a Self-Supporting, Working Ministry & Do Not Accept Donations. Yes, We Do Most Seriously for You, But Our Security System Blocks Multiple Requests. We Need Time to Pray for Everyone! Thanks so Very Much, In Christ, Chaplain Ralph.

* ANSWERS ABOUT GOD & YOU & Your Relationship, The Holy Bible, Everyone Makes Mistakes, Guilt, Anger, Total Forgiveness, Eternal Life in Heaven, Christianity, The Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ.


We are a Free Ministry & We Do Not Accept Any Donations for

Our Online Church Services, Holy Bibles or Prayer Requests!


Our Abba Church

Online Worldwide Christian Church.

Attend Our 24-7 Worship and Mass Services!

Click Here to Attend Our Abba Father:
 Holy Christian, Church Mass Worship Service,
Online 24-7 with Easy Access for You,

All Day & All Night for You!

Click on Your Back Button or
The Link After the Service to Return Here or to Your Church.

Hello! I'm Rev. Dr. Ralph Gabrielle Taylore &
Welcome to Our AbbaChurch.com,

Time in United States: Time.Is

For Everyone in Places All Over God's Good Earth!
We Offer Our 24 Hour Online Free Christian Church Services for
All of You, Our Brothers, Sisters & Families in All Countries, for
You to Read through at Your Own Pace of Worship. This is 
A Personal &
Private Time with Our Father God, or
to Share with Your Group, with Complete &
Easy Access, Read through Online Internet, Holy Church Worship Services.
We are Here
24-7-365, Day & Night by Your PC, Laptop, Notebook,
Cell or Android Phone or i Phone, Tablet, Phablet or iPad.

Our Services, Bible Readings & Sermons are Changed Every Week!

We are Here for You 24-7-365, Day & Night with New Services Every Week!


Enjoy Our Churches in Your Country or Continent with
Complete Online Holy Christian Worship Mass Services.

Receive the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion,
Read The Holy Bible in Multi-Language & Versions.
Send Us Your Family, Children's & Personal Prayer Requests for
All People, Families, Children, Soldiers, Refugees, Prisoners &
Disaster Victims, Third World Countries & Places Where,
To This Day, Christians are Persecuted & Martyred.

You are Free Here to Practice Your God Given Right to
Religious Freedom to Worship. We are Available in All Countries,

All Over God's Good Earth, Conveniently, Over the Internet on Your
Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Tablet, Phablet & Cell Phone 24-7-365.

We Serve You, Our Brothers, Sisters, Families,
Children, Ministries, Soldiers, Prisoners & All Suffering
Christians & People Living in All Continents of God's Good Earth:

All North American, Canadian, European, Asian,
Pacific Rim, Oceania,
Australian, Arab World, Middle East,
African, Arctic, Antarctica,
Greenland & South American Peoples & Countries.

Jesus Stuff

Luke 11 NIV

Jesus' Teaching on Prayer

    1One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."

    2He said to them, "When you pray, say:
   " 'Father,[a]
   hallowed be your name,
   your kingdom come.[b]
    3Give us each day our daily bread.
    4Forgive us our sins,
      for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.[c]
   And lead us not into temptation.[d]' "

    5Then he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, 6because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.'

    7"Then the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.' 8I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness[e] he will get up and give him as much as he needs.

    9"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

    11"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for[f] a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

Luke 11 KJV


  1And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
   2And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
   3Give us day by day our daily bread.
   4And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
   5And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves;
   6For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him?
   7And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee.
   8I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.
   9And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
   10For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
   11If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
   12Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
   13If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

We Offer Online, Internet, Easily Accessed, Christian Church Worship Mass Services at

www.AbbaChurch.com, Multi-Language Free Bibles at www.AbbaBible.com  &

Our Prayer Requests Emergency Room at www.God11.com.

We are a Ministry of the
Abba Father God Online International Missionary Churches:

All in A User Friendly & Multi-Computer Compatible Format!
Wherever You Are, We Are Available 24-7-365.

Our Abba-Chapel.com
We Follow Jesus' Example of Prayer: "Abba Father...& Our Father" in
Coming to God & Prayerfully Casting Out & Removing The 
Hidden Causes of Suffering & Trouble. Then We Pray, as Jesus
Taught Us for Healing, Deliverance, Answers, Guidance &
Reconciliation with Our Heavenly Father God."

We Pray for Your Needs, Desires, Hopes, Suffering, Disease &
Sickness, Injury & Pain, Disability & Chronic Illness, Life's Hurts,
Problems & Troubles, Fears & Worries, Accidents, Anger, Guilt,
Misunderstanding, Sadness, Loneliness, Grief & Severe Losses.

Praying for the Victims of Fire, Flood, Earthquake, Persecution,
War & Global, Natural Disasters &
The Loneliness of Separation from Our Heavenly Father, God.

"This is a House of Prayer, for where on earth is there
another place, with more people praying for others,
than where His Children are suffering?" 
dr ralph.

                Send Your Personal & Family                                        Prayer Requests to Rev. Dr. Ralph & Staff!                                                                                                                                     Email Us at:                                      Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com 

                 Text Message or Phone Us at:                  970-800-7800

          Hello Folks: Please have Faith! God Hears You! We are a Self-Supporting, Working Ministry & Do Not Accept Donations. Yes, We Do Most Seriously for You, But Our Security System Blocks Multiple Requests. We Need Time to Pray for Everyone! Thanks so Very Much, In Christ, Chaplain Ralph.


These are Some of Our 24-7 Online Ministries at Our Abiding in Christ Church Head Quarters at AbidingChurch.com and  Abiding-in-Christ-International-Online-Missionary-Church.com.

www.AbbaChurch.com- Online 24-7 Complete Christian Church Worship Services.

www.Abba-Chapel.com- Send Us Your Prayer Requests & We Will Pray for You.

You Can Send Us Your Needs by Text or SMA at 970-800-7800.

www.Abba-Bible.com- God’s Word, Free & Online, Holy Bibles in 100’s of Languages.

www.Abba-Childrens-Hospital.com- Our Children’s Online International Hospital. Here We Offer TREATMENT through PRAYER. We Will Pray & Intervene for You & Your Children & Families & Serious Concerns & Needs, and Especially for Our Hungry, Sick &  Suffering Kids and Lift Them to Our Father God in Heaven, in His Son, Jesus Christ's Name!

Persecuted-Christians-Church.com or Abba247.com- We Offer You, Our Suffering Brothers & Sisters Worldwide: 1. 24-7 Online Christian Church Worship Mass Services, 2. God's Word, The Holy Bible, Online & in 100's of Languages, 3. Prayer Requests: Send Us Your Prayer Requests, Needs. Concerns & Sufferings and We Will Pray to Our Father God for You in His Son, Jesus Christ's Name. You Can Email Text or SMS Us at . 

 Rev Ralph

                 We Also Offer:

  1. www.AbbaChurch.com- Online 24-7 Christian Church Worship Services.

  2. www.Abba-Chapel.com- Send Us Your Prayer Requests & We Will Pray to Our Father God for You. Please Email Us at Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com or Telephone & Text Us at 719-800-4000.

  3. ww.Abba-Bible.com- God’s Word, Free Online Holy Bibles in 100’s of Languages.

  4. www.Abba-Childrens-Hospital.com- Children’s Online International Hospital. Here We Offer TREATMENT through PRAYER. We Will Pray & Intervene for You & Your Children & Families & Serious Concerns & Needs, and Especially for Our Hungry, Sick &  Suffering Kids to Our Father God in Heaven in His Son, Jesus Christ's Name!

  5. Please Also Visit Our: SoldiersChurch.com, PoliceChurch.comAsiaChapel.com, EuroChapel.com, Chinese-Online-Church.com, AfricaChapel.com, ArabChapel.com, IsraelTemple.com, Persecuted-Christians-Church.com, etc.

To People in Countries All Over God's Good Earth,
                                        We Will Pray & Intervene for You & Yours & Lift Up Your Prayer Requests to                                               
Our Father God in Heaven and All in the Name of Our Lord & Living Saviour Jesus Christ!!

A Ministry of The Abba Father God Inter-Continental Missionary Churches.

To Asia: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Arab World, Middle East, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakstan, Korea, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam & Yemen Online Internet, Church Worship Services, Multi-Language Bibles, Sermons, Music & Family and Children's Intercessory Prayer Requests.

To Africa: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Dem Rep of Congo, Rep of Congo, Congo (DRC), Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe Online Internet, Church Worship Services, Multi-Language Bibles, Sermons, Music & Family and Children's Intercessory Prayer Requests.

To Europe:  Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,  Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom & Vatican City Online Internet, Church Worship Services, Multi-Language Bibles, Sermons, Music & Family and Children's Intercessory Prayer Requests.

To the World: All Continents & Countries, All Asian, Pacific Rim, Oceania, Australian, Arab World, Middle East, African, Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland, European, North & South American Countries Online Internet, Church Worship Services, Multi-Language Bibles, Sermons, Music & Family and Children's Intercessory Prayer Requests.

"My people are suffering, yet I am amazed,
   for there are no intercessors." God's Word.

     "We Welcome Everyone of All Faiths and Cultures to
Leave A Prayer Request or To Pray for The Many Needs that
We List Here, for at What Age, and in What Place in This Universe,
are We No Longer Considered a Child of God?" pastor ralph

                Send Your Personal & Family                                        Prayer Requests to Rev. Dr. Ralph & Staff!                                                                                                                                     Email Us at:                                      Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com 

                 Text Message or Phone Us at:                  970-800-7800

Hello Folks: Please have Faith! God Hears You! We are a Self-Supporting, Working Ministry & Do Not Accept Donations. Yes, We Do Most Seriously for You, But Our Security System Blocks Multiple Requests. We Need Time to Pray for Everyone! Thanks so Very Much, In Christ, Chaplain Ralph.


Our Mission Is To Offer A Special Place:

"To Ask for Comfort, Help, Support, Healing,
Relief and A Friendly Meeting Place to Share
Your Concerns, Needs and Suffering:

* For All Sickness, Suffering, Injury and Pain.
* For All Personal, Emotional, Physical
   and Spiritual Diseases and Disorders.
* For All Conditions, Accidents,
   Afflictions and Addictions.
* For All Emergency,
   Critical and Terminal Situations.
* For the Heartbreak
   of Losing Someone Close...
* For All of Our Friends,
   Family and Those we care for.
* For all those things that
   cause us to call out to God for help...

Our Purpose is Reconciliation with God,
a personal and daily relationship with the Holy Spirit
and life everlasting through His Son, Jesus Christ
whom He gave to die for all our sins on the cross.

We believe in the power of prayer.

Your prayers will be lifted to God,
Our Heavenly Father, according to His Will,
in the Name of Our Lord & Living Savior, Jesus Christ.
We will pray the way Jesus and the Bible teach us,
to insure true intercession with God."

Thanks for Your Prayers,
Prayer Requests and Loving Hearts,

May God Bless You and His Spirit Fill You
, pastor ralph.


   Jesus said: "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." Mark 11:24.

   "Bear ye one another's burdens,
and so fulfill the law of Christ." - Gal. 6:2

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in humbleness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Let each of you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus... Phil 2:3-5

...the prayer of faith that "no weapon that formed against you shall not prosper and every word that roar against you will be cast down".

   Only one can give rest and true peace. Emmanuel. God with us.  "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?  There is no searching of his understanding.  He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might, he increaseth strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall; but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."  Isaiah 40:28-31

   Jesus didn't keep quiet about this subject.  Luke 17:2 "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

   "But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and plenteous in mercy and truth."  Psalm 36:15

   "There can be miracles when you believe...." For with God nothing shall be impossible  Luke1:37

   "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." - John 15:7

   Matthew 18:19 - "And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven."

   Psalm 103:6 - "The Lord judges in favor of the oppressed and gives them their rights."

   1 Peter 5:7 - "Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you."

Please Keep Us in Prayer.
Hi Folks, We'd appreciate Your Prayers in Jesus Christ's Name for God's Will for Us, Our Prayer Warriors & Our Online Children's Hospital Ministry: for Our Protection, Provision & Continuance. It is difficult to imagine, (and we don't like to feel persecuted but,) unless you have been involved in ministry, there are hate groups, cults, & some very sick people (please pray for their salvation), who are against Christianity and will do anything: death threats, deranged e-mails, law suits, slander, online hacking & e-mail schemes & attempts at jamming us, viruses & other means to try to stop or tie up our efforts for Sick & Suffering Children & Families Worldwide. So many of these don't see what the fruit of their works are & Don't Realize that they are Fighting & Going Against Our Lord and His Will. God Will Prevail!!! We Need & Deeply Thank All of You Who Pray for Us and Have Sent Us Such Loving & Supportive E-mails. God Fill Your Hearts. The Prayer Hospital Administrator.

   We Serve All the Countries of God's Good Earth,
As Listed Below, with Online Internet, Church Worship Services,
Multi-Language Bibles & Family & Children's Intercessory Prayer Requests to:

Our Heavenly Father God, The Holy Spirit &
Our Lord and
Living Saviour, Jesus Christ:

                Send Your Personal & Family                                        Prayer Requests to Rev. Dr. Ralph & Staff!                                                                                                                                     Email Us at:                                      Abba-World-Chapel@outlook.com 

                 Text Message or Phone Us at:                  970-800-7800

                  Hello Folks: Please have Faith! God Hears You! We are a Self-Supporting, Working Ministry & Do Not Accept Donations. Yes, We Do Most Seriously for You, But Our Security System Blocks Multiple Requests. We Need Time to Pray for Everyone! Thanks so Very Much, In Christ, Chaplain Ralph.

* Page Top.

* Feel Free to Link Our Web Site to Your Websites!!!

   "Abba-Chapel.com: Abba Father Online International Prayer Requests is A Ministry of the "Abba Father God World & Inter-Continental Online Internet Christian Church Worship Services Mass, Bibles & Prayer Requests" and The Home Church for Our All World Missionary Organization of Caring Churches, Reaching Out in God's Love through Jesus Christ, Offering All People, Families, Children, Ministries, Persecuted Christians, Soldiers & Prisoners in All Countries, Their God Given Global Right to Practice Religious Freedom of Belief, Study, Prayer & Worship, with Easy Access Online by Computer, 24 Hours Daily. We have Complete Christian Internet Church Mass Services, Prayer Requests, God's Word in Multi-Language Bibles, Sermons, Music & Christian Resources. Attend Church Alone Privately, or in Small Local Groups & House Churches, Anytime. We Are Here 24-7-365! All Our Services are in A User Friendly & Compatible Format for Computers Worldwide. You Can Read through Our Online Internet Church Mass Services Carefully & Slowly, at Your Own Personal Pace of Devotion & Learning, and Enjoy Your God Given Blessing to Believe, Read the Bible & Worship!






All of Our Online & International Christian Church Works are Listed Here or are Supported by 

Our Father God & These Caring & Kind, Related & Sister Churches, Ministries, Businesses & People:

https://www.Abiding-Church.com-  Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!


www.INTERPOL.com & www.PoliceChurch.com- We are Here for You, Our Policewomen & Policemen, Sheriffs Dept & All the Members Working in Our Countries Law Enforcement Communities, Wherever You Serve Worldwide. We Thank You for Dedicated Service to Peace & Our Protection! We Offer You, 24-7, Online & On Call, Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services;   2. God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; &  3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!


https://www.AbayChurch.com- The ABay Persecuted Christians, Religious Freedom International 24-7 Church. We are Here for You, All of Our Brothers & Sisters & Kids Worldwide, Who Can Not Safely Worship Our Father God, Attend Church Services, Can Not Congregate or Meet Together at Home or Anywhere, Can Not Read & Study the Holy Bible. We are Also for You Who Suffer Public Humiliation & Beatings, Torture, Imprisonment, Being taken away or separated from Your Homes and Families.     We offer You, Absolutely Free & Worldwide: Virtual, 24-7 Online & On Call: 1. Christian Church Worship Mass Services; 2. God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & 3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!


https://www.Soldiers-Church.com- We are Here for You, The Members of Our Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard, Private Patriot Warriors, The FBI, CIA & Government Troops and Your Families, Stationed Anywhere Worldwide. We Offer You 24-7, Online & On Call & Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services;   2. God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; &   3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ.


https://www.Abba-Church.com/- Abba Father God Church. We Offer You 24-7, Online & On Call & Virtual, Worldwide: 1. Christian Church Worship Mass Services for You to Attend, Conveniently with Easy Access, for You to Privately Read through at Your Own Speed,   2. Read God’s Word, The Holy Bible, Online & Free in 100’s of Languages; &   3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ 24-7 Virtual, Online & On Call, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services.


https://www.ZoomChurch.com The Zoom Church, Short, Simple, Quick & Easy Access Mass Worship Services! We Offer, 24-7, Online & On Call & Virtual, Worldwide: 1. Christian Church Worship Mass Services for You to Attend, Conveniently with Easy Access, for You to Privately Read through at Your Own Speed,   2. Read God’s Word, The Holy Bible, Online & Free in 100’s of Languages; &   3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ 24-7 Virtual, Online & On Call, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services.

https://www.abiding-chapel.com/- Abiding in Christ International Prayer Requests Virtual Chapel, Online & On Call 24-7, for Your Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings, Sufferings by by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:https://www.Abiding-Christ-Chapel@outlook.com. Send Us Your Prayer Requests and We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!


https://www.Abiding-Christ-Chapel.comAbiding International Prayer Requests Chapel, Online & On Call 24-7, for Your Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings, Sufferings by by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:https://www.Abiding-Christ-Chapel@outlook.com. All is Absolutely Free for God’s: Kids of All Ages, Beliefs, Cultures & Lifestyle Worldwide. Send Us Your Prayer Requests and We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ.

https://www.abba-chapel.com/- Abba Worldwide Prayer Requests Chapel, Online & On Call 24-7, for Your Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings, Sufferings by by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:https://www.Abiding-Christ-Chapel@outlook.com. All is Absolutely Free for God’s: Kids of All Ages, Beliefs, Cultures & Lifestyle Worldwide. Send Us Your Prayer Requests and We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ.


https://www.abba-bibles.com/- Abiding in God’s Word, The Holy Bible for You to Read, Online & On Call, 24-7, Virtual with Bibles in 100’s of Languages for All God’s People of All Ages, Beliefs, Cultures, Countries & Lifestyles, Worldwide & All over God’s Good Earth.

https://www.abba-childrens-hospital.com/- Our International Needy, Hungry, Sick, Suffering & Homelss Children’s Prayer Request Hospital Chapel. We are Virtual, Online & On Call 24-7, Offering Treatment through Prayer & All is Absolutely Free for  & God’s Kids of All Ages, Beliefs, Cultures & Lifestyle Worldwide. Online & On Call 24-7, for Your Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings, Sufferings by by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:https://www.Abiding-Christ-Chapel@outlook.com. All is Absolutely Free for God’s: Kids of All Ages, Beliefs, Cultures & Lifestyle Worldwide. Send Us Your Prayer Requests and We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ.


God11.com: International Prayer Requests Emergency room, Virtual, Online & On Call 24-7, for Your Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Email at mailto:https://www.Abiding-Christ-Chapel@outlook.com. All is Absolutely Free for God’s: Kids of All Ages, Beliefs, Cultures & Lifestyle Worldwide. Send Us Your Prayer Requests and We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ.


https://www.Fire-Fighters-Church.com- We are Here for You, The Members of All of Our American and International Fire Fighters, and Fire Departmants, and All Firemen and Firewomen, EMS & Medical Personel and First Reponders and Your Families & Children, Stationed Anywhere Worldwide. We Offer 1. Christian Church Worship Mass Services; 2. God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & 3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

https://www.INTLPOL.com- We are Here for You, The Members of Our Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, National Guard, Private Patriot Warriors, The FBI, CIA & Government Troops and Your Families, Stationed Anywhere Worldwide. 1. Christian Church Worship Mass Services; 2. God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & 3. Prayer Requests. Send Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!


https://www.Just-Plain-Talk.comDr. Taylore Ra[ph Offers Our "Just Plain Talk, Online Nationwide 24-7 Clinic" with a Confidential Place for A Simple & Personal, Private & Confidential Time, To Just Talk Things Out, To Vent & Yes, Be Heard & Listened To! Whatever You Would Like to Talk About or Talk Through, for Very Personal & Private Issues, Business Concerns, Decisions & Stressors, and More Serious Professional Psy-Therapy and Family, Coupes & Marriage Counseling. to Our Countries' Top 5%, VIPs, CEOs, Leaders, Corporate Execs, Business, Commerce & Industry Primes and America's Women & Men Movers. We are Here for You, Online & On Call 24-7, for 1.  2. Online Business Consultations for Stress, Exhaustion, Challenges, Burning Out, Grief, Business Losses, Changes, Adjustments, Thinking, Confusion & Major Life & Business Decisions, 3. Psychotherapy for Very Serious & Confidential, Personal & Private Issues with Anxiety, Depression, Grief & Personal Losses, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Low Self-Esteem, Being Misunderstood, Hurt, Betrayal, Anger, Guilt & Also the Work, Issues, Stuggles & Worries of Your Marriage, Family & Relationships, 4. Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, & 4. Spiritual & Christian Guidance. This is All, Online & On Call 24-7, by Confidential Tele-Heath, Phone & Video Conferencing at Doc's Virtual National Private Practice. 

https://www.red-phone-24.comDr. Ra[ph Offers Our "RED PHONE 24-7 Clinic," with Personal Therapy and Family & Marriage Counseling to Our Countries' Top 5%, VIPs, CEOs, Leaders, Corporate Execs, Business, Commerce & Industry Primes and America's Women & Men Movers. We are Here for You, Online & On Call 24-7, for 1.  Simple Personal, Just Talk It though Therapy, 2. Online Business Consultations for Stress, Exhaustion, Challenges, Burning Out, Grief, Business Losses, Changes, Adjustments, Thinking, Confusion & Major Life & Business Decisions, 3. Psychotherapy for Very Serious & Confidential, Personal & Private Issues with Anxiety, Depression, Grief & Personal Losses, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Low Self-Esteem, Being Misunderstood, Hurt, Betrayal, Anger, Guilt & Also the Work, Issues, Stuggles & Worries of Your Marriage, Family & Relationships, 4. Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, & 4. Spiritual & Christian Guidance. This is All, Online & On Call 24-7, by Confidential Tele-Heath, Phone & Video Conferencing at Doc's Virtual National Private Practice. 

abiding-in-christ-online-christian-therapy-couples-counseling.comAbiding-in-Christ.com & Abiding-Clinic.com:

Rev. Dr. Ra[ph Offers Our "Abiding in Christ, Online Nationwide Clinic" for Personal Therapy and Family, Couples & Marriage Christian Counseling. We are Here for You, Online & On Call 24-7, for 1. Simple Personal, Just Talk It though Therapy, 2. Online Business & Work Consultations for Stress, Exhaustion, Challenges, Burning Out, Grief, Financial Losses, Changes, Adjustments, Thinking, Confusion & Major Life & Business Decisions, 3. Psychotherapy for Very Serious & Confidential, Personal & Private Issues with Anxiety, Depression, Grief & Personal Losses, Hopelessness, Loneliness, Low Self-Esteem, Being Misunderstood, Hurt, Betrayal, Anger, Guilt & Also the Work, Issues, Stuggles & Worries of Your Marriage, Family & Relationships, 4. Family, Marriage & Couples Counseling, & 4. Spiritual & Christian, Very Personal Guidance & 5. Finding Your Meaning, Purpose & Life Journey. This is All, Online & On Call 24-7, by Confidential & Concierge Tele-Heath, Phone & Video Conferencing at Doc's Virtual National Private Practice. 

https://www.abiding-restorations.com: Abiding Indiana, Michigan &  Ohio Claims Restorations, Inspections & Estimates for Moving & Transit Damages and Fire & Flood Insured Losses for  HHG, Furniture, Antiques, Family Heirlooms & Artwork: We Rescue and Save, Repair and Rebuild, Refurbish and Refinish!  We are Also Offer Nationwide Virtual & Professional Claims Inspections & Estimates for All of Our American 50 States!


https://www.Abba-Fort-Wayne-Restorations-Guild-Furniture-Art-Antiques.com- Good Old Ralph Offers Our Greater Fort Wayne Neighbors: Rescue & Restoration, Repair & Rebuilding, Carving & Custom Woodworking & Parts Replication, Veneering & Inlay Work, Hand Painting, French Polishing, Gold Leaf & Gilding. Old Finishes are Refurbished & Touched Up, Finishes are Carefully Hand Removed & Lacquered. This is All for Your Home & Office Furniture, Antiques, Family Heirlooms, Furnishings & Deco. He does the Conservation & Preservation of Artwork, Oil Paintings, Framing, Sculpture, Statuary, Private Collections, Galleries, Churches, Museums & Our Nation’s Treasured Historicals. We Also Make Professional Claims Inspections & Estimates for Moving Damages & Fire & Flood Insurance Losses.


https://www.donofrio-guild-of-indy-furniture-antiques-art-restorations.com and https://www.Donofrio-Restoratons.com Good Old Ralph Offers Our Greater Indianapolis Neighbors: Rescue & Restoration, Repair & Rebuilding, Carving & Custom Woodworking & Parts Replication, Veneering & Inlay Work, Hand Painting, French Polishing, Gold Leaf & Gilding. Old Finishes are Refurbished & Touched Up, Finishes are Carefully Hand Removed & Lacquered. This is All for Your Home & Office Furniture, Antiques, Family Heirlooms, Furnishings & Deco. He does the Conservation & Preservation of Artwork, Oil Paintings, Framing, Sculpture, Statuary, Private Collections, Galleries, Churches, Museums & Our Nation’s Treasured Historicals. We Also Make Professional Claims Inspections & Estimates for Moving Damages & Fire & Flood Insurance Losses.


https://www.abiding-indiana-moving-claims-restorations-inspections.com- Good Old Ralph D’Onofrio Offers Greater Indiana: Furniture & HHG Restorations and Professional Claims Inspections & Estimates for Moving Damages & Fire & Flood Insurance Losses. He also does Repair & Rebuilding, Carving & Custom Woodworking & Parts Replication, Veneering & Inlay Work, Hand Painting, French Polishing, Gold Leaf & Gilding. Old Finishes are Refurbished & Touched Up, Finishes are Carefully Hand Removed & Lacquered. This is All for Your Home & Office Furniture, Antiques, Family Heirlooms, Furnishings & Deco. He does the Conservation & Preservation of Artwork, Oil Paintings, Framing, Sculpture, Statuary, Private Collections, Galleries, Churches, Museums & Our Nation’s Treasured Historicals.


https://www.abiding-michigan-moving-claims-restorations-inspections.com- - Good Old Ralph D’Onofrio Offers Western Ohio: Furniture & HHG Restorations and Professional Claims Inspections & Estimates for Moving Damages & Fire & Flood Insurance Losses. He also does Repair & Rebuilding, Carving & Custom Woodworking & Parts Replication, Veneering & Inlay Work, Hand Painting, French Polishing, Gold Leaf & Gilding. Old Finishes are Refurbished & Touched Up, Finishes are Carefully Hand Removed & Lacquered. This is All for Your Home & Office Furniture, Antiques, Family Heirlooms, Furnishings & Deco. He does the Conservation & Preservation of Artwork, Oil Paintings, Framing, Sculpture, Statuary, Private Collections, Galleries, Churches, Museums & Our Nation’s Treasured Historicals.


https://www.abiding-ohio-moving-claims-restorations-inspections.com-- Good Old Ralph D’Onofrio Offers Southern Michigan: Furniture & HHG Restorations and Professional Claims Inspections & Estimates for Moving Damages & Fire & Flood Insurance Losses. He also does Repair & Rebuilding, Carving & Custom Woodworking & Parts Replication, Veneering & Inlay Work, Hand Painting, French Polishing, Gold Leaf & Gilding. Old Finishes are Refurbished & Touched Up, Finishes are Carefully Hand Removed & Lacquered. This is All for Your Home & Office Furniture, Antiques, Family Heirlooms, Furnishings & Deco. He does the Conservation & Preservation of Artwork, Oil Paintings, Framing, Sculpture, Statuary, Private Collections, Galleries, Churches, Museums & Our Nation’s Treasured Historicals.

Some of Our Other "At Work" Ministry Web Sites!

AsiaChapel.com: Offering Asias's People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

EuroChapel.comOffering Euope's People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!,

ChinaChapel.comOffering China's People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

NorthKoreaChurch.comOffering North Korea's People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

RussiaChapel.comOffering Russia's People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

AfricaChapel.com: Offering Africa's People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!.com

ArabChapel.com,com: Offering Arab People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

IsraelTemple.com,com: Offering Israel & Jewish People Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

Persecuted-Christians-Church.com: Offering Persecuted Christians and Persecuted People of All Beliefs and All Martyrs and Their Families Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!,

MessiahTemple.comOffering Israel Messianic Christian's Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at mailto:abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!

MyanmarChapel.comOffering the People of Myanmar and Burma Our Abiding in Christ International, Christian Church Headquarters, Offering 24-7, Online & On Call Virtual, Worldwide Christian Church Worship Mass Services; God’s Word, The Holy Bible in 100’s of Languages; & Prayer Requests by Sending Us Your Prayer Concerns, Needs, Heart’s Desires & Sufferings by Telephone & Text to 970-800-7800 or by Email at abiding-christ-chapel@outlook.com. We will Intercede for You, Pray & Lift You Up to Our Father God in Heaven in The Name of His Son; Our Lord and Living Saviour Jesus Christ!


praying angel with moving wings